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FreeScan UE Pro 3D Scanner: Revolutionizing Precision and Efficiency

Reading time6 min

3D scanning technology has witnessed remarkable advancements, and at the forefront of this evolution is the FreeScan UE Pro 3D Scanner. This revolutionary device has not only simplified the process of 3D scanning but also brought precision and efficiency to an unprecedented level. The FreeScan UE Pro stands out for its ability to capture intricate details, making it an invaluable tool across various industries, from engineering to healthcare.

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Total votes 3: ↑3 and ↓0+3

Einscan H 3D Scanner Review

Reading time6 min

The Einscan H 3D Scanner represents a significant leap in 3D imaging technology. Combining high efficiency with exceptional detail, this scanner has transformed various industry sectors, from manufacturing to education. In this comprehensive guide, we'll delve into the nuances of the Einscan H, exploring its features, applications, and how it stands out in the market.

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Total votes 4: ↑4 and ↓0+4

Einscan Pro 2X 2020: A Comprehensive Guide

Reading time7 min

3D scanning technology has revolutionized various industries, from manufacturing to healthcare. This article delves into the evolution of 3D scanning, highlighting its significance in today's technology-driven world. We will explore how 3D scanners, like the Einscan Pro 2X 2020, have become essential tools in diverse sectors

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UX testing: why it is important and how to conduct it

Level of difficultyEasy
Reading time4 min

UX testing is one of the most important parts of the UX design creation process for any software product. It helps to understand whether users are satisfied with the design and highlights its problematic areas that need to be fixed or improved. UX testing is an important part of the whole testing process - it helps to get beta-testers feedback to determine whether the product is comfortable for users and gives opportunity to improve problems and issues before moving on to the next stage of the development process. It also contributes to reducing the cost of development, as it is much cheaper to fix issues during the development process rather than after the release. Listed down below are 5 simple tips that can help perform UX testing in a proper and effective way.

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Total votes 1: ↑1 and ↓0+1

FlashForge Guider 3: The Pinnacle of Desktop 3D Printing

Reading time6 min

The FlashForge Guider 3 stands as a beacon of innovation in the vast sea of desktop 3D printers. Tailored for both the enthusiastic hobbyist and the dedicated professional, this printer serves as a gateway to transforming imagination into tangible reality. With its robust build volume, exceptional layer resolution, and user-friendly interface, the Guider 3 is designed to deliver high-quality prints consistently. Beyond its technical prowess, this machine embodies the evolution of 3D printing technology, offering a level of accessibility and efficiency that was once the domain of industrial-grade printers. In this introduction, we will delve into what makes the FlashForge Guider 3 a standout choice for those looking to push the boundaries of personal manufacturing and design.

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Optimizing Creativity with the Flashforge Creator 4-S 3D Printer

Reading time6 min

Welcome to the world where creativity meets cutting-edge technology – introducing the Flashforge Creator 4-S 3D Printer, a marvel of modern engineering designed to bring your ideas to life with precision and flair. This section will guide you through the initial encounter with the Creator 4-S, from the moment of unboxing to exploring its vast array of features and capabilities.

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Total votes 1: ↑1 and ↓0+1

WebSocket Reconnection in Flutter

Level of difficultyMedium
Reading time5 min

Continuous socket connection can be crucial to ensure correct app behavior. Whether it’s delivering real-time chat updates, stock prices, or in-app indicators, a reliable connection is vital.

One of the irritating problems with sockets is a sudden loss of connection. If the true cause is not visibly evident, i.e., unstable internet connection, then the disruption cause is often well hidden. To tackle this issue we can implement an automatic socket reconnection strategy. Let’s see what options we have in the industry-standard socket library for Dart — web_socket_channel.

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Total votes 4: ↑4 and ↓0+4

Why I need RSS 3.0

Level of difficultyEasy
Reading time6 min

In the past 5 years, I moved across 3 countries and 2 continents. It was not a short tourist travel or vacation, but a full immigrant experience with 1+ year experience minimum. I had to adapt to new cultures, new languages, new people, new food, new weather, new everything. One of the pains was to adopt new online services and information sources.

The problems I have faced were not obvious and interesting at the same time. I tried to analyze what was missing and required to make life easier.

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Total votes 2: ↑2 and ↓0+2

Тут в статье рассуждают о необходимости разработки универсального языка человеческого общения. А ведь у человечества есть ещё туча нестандартизированных вещей, из-за которых мы теряем много ресурсов и возможностей. Вот навскидку:

  1. Системы мер: имперская (галлоны, футы...) и метрическая. На имперской сидит США и ещё несколько стран. Авиация по прежнему использует мили и футы.

  2. Параметры сетевого электричества: напряжение (относительно легко конвертировать) и частоты (гораздо сложнее). Япония, например, поделена примерно пополам по частотам 60 и 50 Гц, из-за дорогой конверсии много потерь.

  3. Электророзетки и вилки, их наверное под десяток несовместимых стандаров в мире.

  4. Левостроннее и правостороннее движение.

  5. Параметры колеи железных дорог, настоящий зоопарк.

Давайте продолжим список.

Total votes 6: ↑6 and ↓0+6

FreeScan Combo 3D Scanner: A Revolutionary Tool in Scanning Technology

Reading time7 min

The FreeScan Combo 3D Scanner emerges as a pioneering solution in the dynamic world of 3D scanning technology. This cutting-edge device has been meticulously engineered to bridge the gap between high-end functionality and user accessibility. It stands as a beacon of innovation, symbolizing the strides made in digitizing the physical world with unprecedented precision and ease.

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Total votes 3: ↑3 and ↓0+3

Каково ваше мнение о https://proofcheck.org? Это cmd-инструмент, который позволяет проверять TEX-овые доказательства на математическую (!) корректность. Но на русском статей о нём нет, хотя он прост в использовании и по своему принципу функционирования. Прилагаю также proof-of-concept от авторов: https://tug.org/TUGboat/tb30-2/tb95neveln.pdf

Суть в том, что до этого существовало много proof assistant-ов, но эти предложили принципиально новый стандарт парсинга логики, который уложился в скрипт на питоне. В отличие от семейства HOL, основные идеи которого восходят аж к 1970-м. Я считаю, что нужно популяризировать ProofCheck и в рунете.

Total votes 1: ↑1 and ↓0+1

Comprehensive Review of the Flashforge Creator 4-A 3D Printer

Reading time7 min

In the innovative world of 3D printing, the Flashforge Creator 4-A has made a notable entrance, distinguishing itself as a strong competitor. It's a machine that marries advanced technical features with ease of use, catering to the intricate needs of professionals while still being accessible enough for hobbyists. This balance of sophistication and user-friendliness is what sets the Creator 4-A apart.

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Total votes 3: ↑3 and ↓0+3

Klipper and Bizon 3

Reading time8 min

It’s time to continue experimenting with the Bizon 3 printer. My first attempt at improvement was Octoprint. In short, I liked easy installation, when the system successfully installed and worked on the first try, intuitive interface and endless possibilities of improving the monitoring and control functions. What I didn’t like however was a certain slowness, and overall there was little sense, except for the possibility of remote monitoring.

It has been repeatedly pointed out to me that Octoprint in combination with Marlin is way too old-fashioned. Even more outdated is just Marlin or its modified version, for instance, for Raise3D printers, which I don’t quite agree with, but that’s not the point right now. The thing that is relevant is Klipper. Well, it’s time to try it personally.

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Anti Aliasing Test on Anycubic Photon Mono 2

Reading time2 min

Hello everyone.

Recently I was wondering if layering is normal for photopolymer printing.

The main points in the comments on the forums were:

1) This is normal; either the model itself is curvy or its positioning is wrong, etc.;

2) The model should be sanded or primed to improve its look;

3) It is worth trying to play with AA (Anti Aliasing).

At the same time, the views on point 3 are quite opposite:

1) Unlike Phrozen, in case with Anycubics, AA is nothing more than a marketing trick that does not work;

2) With the new models, native slicer, and fresh firmware, it works.

I decided to check it out for my own experience, so here is my small comparison test for your attention.

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Installing Orbiter V2.0 on Anycubic Vyper

Reading time5 min

This article describes how to install the Orbiter V2.0 feeder on the newer revisions of the Vyper, with the connector on the printhead with clamps.

Since Anycubic Plus and Anycubic Max basically have the same printhead as Vyper, these instructions will work for them as well. In fact, Orbiter V2.0 can be installed on any FDM printer, be it Creality or Modix.

There are a lot of options online for how to install a desired feeder on the printhead, but all of them are bulky and clumsy, which I didn’t like. In the end, the choice fell on Orbiter V2.0, because it is relatively small and supports a filament sensor, which can be mounted directly on the extruder. As for the wires, they look quite decent next to the native loop.

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FlashForge 3D Printers

Reading time9 min

The world of manufacturing has witnessed a paradigm shift with the advent of 3D printing technology. Initially perceived as a niche hobby for enthusiasts, it has burgeoned into a pivotal industry innovation, driving advancements across medical, aerospace, automotive, and consumer goods sectors. The technology's allure lies in its ability to transform digital blueprints into tangible objects layer by layer, offering unprecedented flexibility in design and production.

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